Think Week #13
Art-ificial Intelligence, The Great Wealth Transfer, You are NOT your niche
Your reading list for the week of September 15th, 2024.
“You Are Your Niche” Is Terrible Advice For 97% of Writers
How to Navigate a Tech World Dominated by AI
Writer's Block and Idea Inundation
The 4 Types of Team Conflict - And Which Ones Matter The Most
Poor Things And Hollywood's Strange Fling
Choosing To Get the Education I Deserve
Y-Combinator: Startups' Unfair Advantage Should be Related to Growth
The Gentle Art of Paywalling on Substack
I Went Viral On Substack, Twice — Here's What I Learned
Harris Gets To Trump And Wins Debate
Don't Defer Happiness to a Future State You May Never Achieve
If you want to stand out, keep yourself small
The iPhone and the Illusion of Incremental Progress
Don't Feed Me: The Ozempic Phenomenon